Helping you to navigate your landlord claims with confidence

Renting out property is always an investment, but one that turns into a bureaucratic nightmare in the event of property damage - Suddenly you're faced with a drawn-out insurance claims process, a property that needs repairs and potentially a tenant with nowhere to stay.

Mann Loss Assessors are here to take the stress out of landlord insurance claims, bringing the weight of 5 years of experience to secure the maximum compensation for your troubles while minimising downtime to you and your tenant's lives. Our skilled loss assessors in London leave no stone unturned on your behalf, while working as quickly as possible to get things back to normal.

Partner with us to expedite your claims – Call us at 02036 213742.

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How do we help with landlord insurance claims?

  Assessing and documenting the damage as quickly but thoroughly as possible to get your claim moving.

  Potentially arranging accommodation for your tenant.

  Managing the claim on your behalf, negotiating with loss adjusters to secure the best possible payout that covers repairs and lost rental income.

  Fast-tracking your remedial and repair works with to our network of tradespeople to get your property back in order and money back in your pocket.

broken roof tiles on top of property against blue clouded sky